Student representatives are elected during the election week. They are not part of the student association Wina and therefore do not have to participate in or organise activities. The following (P)OCs (with English programmes) need student representatives:
- Master of Mathematics
- Master of Physics
- Master of Astrophysics
- Master of Statistics
- Master of Digital Humanities
- Master of Space Studies
- Master of Medical Physics
The following election procedure is used. As mentioned in the internal regulations of Wina, you have to apply before the last Friday before the Easter holidays at 12am. Such an application consists of at least:
- Your first and last name
- Your current phase (eg. first bachelor, first master)
- The council you are applying for
- Your motivation as to why you want the role
- Your signature
This application needs to be sent to the Election Committee at
The applications will go online on the last Friday of the Easter holidays (at latest). This way every student is able to read the applications. On the Tuesday of the election week (the second Tuesday after the Easter holidays) the Election Debate is held. During this debate students have the opportunity to ask you some questions regarding the election. After the election every student that is in the programme for the council that you want to become a part of, is able to cast their vote. This voting procedure happens online. On Wednesday at 12pm the results will become available in the Winabar. They will also appear a few days later on the Wina website.
If the election week has already happened, but you still want to become a student rep? Don't worry, this is still possible by sending an email to the head of education at Wina (
Student representatives are elected during the election week. They are not part of the student association Wina and therefore do not have to participate in or organise activities. The following (P)OCs (with English programmes) need student representatives:
- Master of Mathematics
- Master of Physics
- Master of Astrophysics
- Master of Statistics
- Master of Digital Humanities
- Master of Space Studies
- Master of Medical Physics
The following election procedure is used. As mentioned in the internal regulations of Wina, you have to apply before the last Friday before the Easter holidays at 12am. Such an application consists of at least:
- Your first and last name
- Your current phase (eg. first bachelor, first master)
- The council you are applying for
- Your motivation as to why you want the role
- Your signature
This application needs to be sent to the Election Committee at
The applications will go online on the last Friday of the Easter holidays (at latest). This way every student is able to read the applications. On the Tuesday of the election week (the second Tuesday after the Easter holidays) the Election Debate is held. During this debate students have the opportunity to ask you some questions regarding the election. After the election every student that is in the programme for the council that you want to become a part of, is able to cast their vote. This voting procedure happens online. On Wednesday at 12pm the results will become available in the Winabar. They will also appear a few days later on the Wina website.
If the election week has already happened, but you still want to become a student rep? Don't worry, this is still possible by sending an email to the head of education at Wina (